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Notice Of A Substantial Shareholder's Interest

BackMay 05, 2008
Part I
1. Date of notice to issuer 05/05/2008
2. Name of Substantial Shareholder Salim Wanye (Shanghai) Enterprises Co., Ltd
3. Notice Type Notice of a New Substantial Shareholder's interest.
Part II
1. Date of change of Deemed Interest 30/04/2008
2. Name of Registered Holder Parallax Venture Partners XXX Ltd ("PVP"), Citibank Nominees Singapore Pte Ltd and ING Nominees (Singapore) Pte Ltd
3. Circumstance(s) giving rise to the interest or change in interest # Others

Restructuring involving companies in the Salim group and certain shareholders of such companies pursuant to which Salim Wanye acquired the entire issued capital of PVP. As Salim Wanye holds the entire issued capital of PVP, it is deemed to be interested in the issued shares of the Company owned by PVP.
4. Information relating to shares held in the name of the Registered Holder
No. of Shares held before the change 627,293,350
As a percentage of issued share capital 26.00 %
No. of Shares which are subject of this notice 627,293,350
As a percentage of issued share capital 26.00 %
Amount of consideration (excluding brokerage and stamp duties) per share paid or received 0
No. of Shares held after the change 627,293,350
As a percentage of issued share capital 26.00 %
Part III - Not Required
Part IV
1. Holdings of Substantial Shareholder, including direct and deemed interest :
  Direct Deemed
No. of shares held before the change 0 0
As a percentage of issued share capital 0 % 0 %
No. of shares held after the change 0 627,293,350
As a percentage of issued share capital 0 % 26.00 %
Footnotes The percentage level is calculated based on the total issued share capital of 2,412,482,556 ordinary shares as at 30 April 2008.

The no. of shares held before the change under Part II, Item 4 refers to those held under the Registered Holder, namely Parallax Venture Partners XXX Ltd ("PVP"), Citibank Nominees Singapore Pte Ltd and ING Nominees (Singapore) Pte Ltd.

The listing exercise of the Company was sponsored by Asian Corporate Advisors Pte. Ltd. and Genesis Capital Pte. Ltd. (collectively, the "Managers"). The Managers assume no responsibility for the contents of this announcement.